You cannot become a better person
At this point, I am sure that everybody and their mothers have read this book called “Atomic habits”.
I read it. People read it. Yes it is an okay book and if you can apply these habit creating, self bettering and life-changing “methods” to your day to day life, great! good for you.
However, I would like to specifically discuss how I was trying one of the methods from the book, “Habit stacking”, and how effective it was. Until, you break only one habit in the chain and the whole system breaks down .
So basically this method is about chaining new habits that you want to pick up on top of your old/good existing habits.
Example: Lets say you always drink coffee first thing in the morning and you want to start getting out of bed as soon you wake up. You can chain the act of getting out of bed with the act of drinking coffee by allowing yourself to check your phone only when you are drinking coffee. Habit chaining
In this simple case, you are making the act of drinking coffee, the cue to check your phone. But what if the coffee never comes?.
Unfortunately, I was bed ridden for the last few days due to medical reasons. I was not physically able to perform the first few habits of my chain like making coffee or making the bed or even leaving the bed. Without anyone`s suprise, the following habits that I performed without the slightest effort, everyday, did not come.
So, if you really want to get into a system that requires minimal thinking, you need to have multiple cues for the important habits that will define who you are.